About us

Paras Mehta
I am interested in the issue of how real real world substantive problems may be represented in appropriate statistical models. xxM is an attempt to wrap a parameterized linear mixed-effects model (LME) within a modeling framework for substantive researchers. In the process, xxM exposes possibilities of mixed-models that until now were accessible to a select few.
Lee Branum-Martin
I am interested in the use of multilevel multivariate models for understanding educational and psychological phenomena in their social contexts. Because education occurs within classrooms and schools, important aspects of education can be examined when these groupings are included in empirical investigations. My interest in multilevel modeling extends from my interest in construct validation and psychometrics—understanding relations among items, tests, or other performance measures.
Robert E. Wickham
I am interested in applying multilevel and cross-classified latent variable models to investigate social interactions in dyadic and small-group contexts.
Camilla S. Øverup
Camilla S. Øverup, M.A., received her Master’s degree in Psychology at the University of Houston.  She is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Social Psychology at the University of Houston.  Her research interests primarily concern the intersection between the self and intimate relationships, with a specific focus on how we communicate and establish identities with significant others, and the implications of these processes for the well-being of the self and the relationship.  She is also interested in the antecedents and consequences of being in violent relationships.My website
Julie A. Brunson
My research interests lie primarily in the area of relationship cognition, where I explore how the ways in which people think about their relationships affect themselves and their interpersonal interactions.  I approach these questions using a relational schema approach, which allows me to explore the content of one’s relational schemas, how those schemas change, and the extent to which schema content is shared with and influenced by close others.  In addition, I am involved in research that investigates the profound impact of one’s close relationships on health and well-being. My website.
Benjamin Farmer
Benjamin Farmer, M. A., received his Masters degree in Psychology from the University of Houston where he is currently pursuing his doctorate in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. He divides his time teaching and conducting research with several academic and applied laboratories. His research interests primarily focus on the how employee individual differences, such as personality and motivation, interact with supervisor and contextual influences to impact individual and team performance and employee well-being. He is also interested in the measurement and evaluation of individual performance and maximizing the effectiveness of organizational training programs.
Lisa W. Sublett
Lisa W. Sublett received her Master’s degree in Psychology at the University of Houston and is currently pursuing her doctoral degree in Industrial Organizational Psychology with an emphasis in Psychological Statistics and Data Analysis. Her research interests include work-family conflict, personality, job insecurity, and occupational health psychology (OHP). Currently, she is studying the effects of value congruence with supervisors on ratings of work-family conflict and job attitudes. Also, currently she is involved with studying the effects of rater/target biases on ratings of personality and leadership evaluations.
Bobbie Dirr
Bobbie Dirr is currently pursuing her doctoral degree in Industrial Organizational Psychology at the University of Houston. Her research interests include occupational health psychology (OHP) and 360 degree feedback programs. More specifically in OHP, she is interested in how work characteristics affect the health and well-being of employees’ children, in addition to the health and well-being of the employees themselves. In 360 degree feedback programs, she is interested in how  rating leniency affects personality and performance ratings of others and the self.
Sonya Stokes
Sonya M. Stokes,received her Master’s degree in Experimental Psychology at The University of Texas at El Paso. Currently studying at the University of Houston, Sonya is pursuing her PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Her research interests include judgment and decision making, with a focus on individual predictors and the longitudinal development of the hindsight bias. In addition, she is interested in the evaluation of interpersonal relationships in the workplace using advanced quantitative methods. Currently, she is studying perceived and assumed similarity in interpersonal networks.