For my dissertation, I need to conduct a CFA on my survey items.
I have 59 individuals who responded to 40 items (comprising 6 independent variable measures) for 11 consecutive days.
Therefore, I need to run a CFA on the 40 items and get fit indexes for a model with 6 latent variables (i.e., items loading on their corresponding measures). Perhaps, I could then compare the fit indexes of the 6 factor model to the fit index of a model with only one latent variables (i.e., all items loading on one factor). I am not interested on a structural model, just the measurement model.
It looks like xxM can do exactly what I need, but I haven’t been able to find an example (along with a syntax) to run the above analyses.
Can anybody help me?
I’m pretty novice in the multilevel SEM area, so any help would be appreciated.